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First Post, long overdue


Hi All,

I'm going to start updating more here, so thanks if you're seeing this and look forward to more. Recently, in Mexico City, I came across this little guy, who was from Teotihuacan. And, it got me to thinking, there had always been this need for quiet contemplation, to take in what's around us without any outside influences. When I started playing music again, I did it because I had to get the feelings that I hadn't really ever expressed out loud about my life, out and in the air. And it came to me quickly and overwhelmingly. And performing those songs made me feel good. I am writing and experimenting on different sounds to get out more of what's inside of me, but also to encourage others to go out and try.

Recently, a friend and fan played their first gig at the age of 54! I love it. It made me feel so happy that if I played a little part in that, then what I'm trying to do is working. There's still time to do whatever you want.

I am releasing new music a lot, check out Spotify or Apple Music etc. and keep going to YouTube and you'll maybe see some videos. And, I've been putting some stuff on TilTok, check it out if you want!

New shows coming soon!



JLAM Productions

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